Michael Josephson, law professor and attorney, said, “Being a father is the most important role I will ever play and if I don’t do this well, no other thing I do really matters.” The interaction of a father with his children is empowering. My father, a farmer, loved the feel of the soil and seeing acres of tomatoes, potatoes, and sugar beets grow from seeds he planted; but we knew he loved us children more. He enjoyed hearing us giggle and encouraged my love of horses. He taught us to never be idle, if what you were doing required long hours you put in the long hours. He loved a good water fight, watching us play kick-the-can with cousins and friends, and celebrated each holiday. He took his family on vacations to destination places singing with us in the car and pointing out the beauty of the country. Weekly we attended church and received rewards for reading the scriptures. He disciplined with a stern look and needed reprove showing great love afterward. Most important he loved our mother and we knew that. She was the last one he kissed before leaving for work and the first to kiss on his return home.
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