We don’t own our children; our parental privilege is to love them,
to lead, them, and to let them go. - Russell M. Nelson
With joy and delight, we now had seven children. It was summer and my youngest child was a 2 years-old. This meant I often needed a nap as an exhausted mother. Their father was building a home in Huntsville, Utah a beautiful town surrounded by mountains. I enjoyed seeing the homes he built and decided to pack a lunch for him and take the children, and their cousin, whose father worked with my husband and make the 30 minute drive to Huntsville.
The scenery was beautiful and my husband was grateful for his lunch. Being tired, I drove to a park nearby. It had swings, a slide and monkey bars, along with a baseball diamond. I spread out the picnic blanket and we enjoyed the sandwiches, chips, punch and cookies. I told the children they could play for a while and gave instructions to the oldest a ten-year old to watch them while the baby and I took a short nap. It did not take long for me to fall asleep. I was awakened to the 5 year old yelling, “Come on, you can do it.” I wondered, “Do what?” Then his older brother said, “Just grab a hold.” It sounded like I needed to check out what was happening. I grabbed my camera and went in the direction of the voices and children. To my great surprise and shock, they were surrounding a cow tied to the fence and trying to milk her. Funny,. funny children. This picture is priceless.