“-that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not parish from the earth. --Abraham Lincoln, Gettysburg Address.
I love my Grandsons. Around President’s Day we have a Grandson Sleepover. One year I focused on Abraham Lincoln. I wanted my grandsons to know him. I purchased for each one the book, “Who Was Abraham Lincoln?” by Janet B. Pascal, wrapped it and placed a copy by each plate for our evening meal which consisted of ham and fried potatoes. We had a contest of paper airplanes and made Log Cabins with large pretzel sticks. After they lay their sleeping bags on my bedroom floor, we told faith promoting stories of World War II and stories of uncles and cousins who served in that war. The next morning we ate a breakfast, of cornbread with bacon and scrambled eggs. As they sat around the breakfast table I told the story of Lincoln going to the home of a dying friend and repeating from memory the 23rd Psalm. The grandsons loved building forts and having a pretend Battle of Gettysburg.. As parents and grandparents, we only have a few years to influence the minds of our children and grandchildren. I pray we use those years well.