In this sixth volume of his acclaimed Prelude to Glory series, author Ron Carter has crafted another compelling chapter in his depiction of the Revolutionary War. Readers will be interested to learn the fates of beloved fictional characters-Brigitte Dunson and her British captain Richard Buchanan, Eli Stroud and Mary Flint, and childhood sweethearts Matthew Dunson and Kathleen Thorpe. Through their stories and others, Carter brings to vivid life the legendary places, people, and battles that were part of America's quest for liberty and independence.
MY REVIEW: As I have said before, this series is incredible. I love my membership with Deseret Bookshelf which makes it possible for me to listen to these volumes because my eyesight is failing. Many of my ancestors were here prior to the Revolutionary War. I enjoy the Dunson family and their interwoven story. Ron Carter has done a magnificent job describing sunsets and sunrises, trees, flowers and countryside. Everyone needs to know the history of the United States of America so we can continue to have the freedoms that we fought for which are so well documented in this Prelude to Glory series.